Dr. Gwenn Rosenberg

Upcoming Workshops

Dates & Times For Upcoming Workshops




Natural medicine for colds and flu

Friday, October 7th, 9:00 AM

We will discuss naturopathic treatments for cough, nasal congestion and upper respiratory infections

Breathing Deeply

Friday, October 14th 8:00 AM

Learn some evidence-based breathing exercises and general breathing techniques that you can use to feel more relaxed or energized.


Thursday, October 20th, 1:00 PM

The Research, the Mystery and the Lifelong Gift

With Sky Farley, MSW
This workshop is available for Member’s Only.

Health Class for Grown Ups: The Respiratory System

Friday, October 28th 9:00 AM

Learn about how your lungs work and what happens when you breathe

Member’s Area Schedule

Members can Login to view the complete schedule of upcoming workshops and access the Member’s Video Library


Visitors and Non-Members

The Workshops Library has a collection of recorded workshops available for individual purchase. Also available are upcoming online live workshops.


Health Class for Grown Ups GI 101:

how your digestive system works

Friday September 9th, 8:00AM
This will be an ongoing series for people who always wanted a real health class.  We will learn about how your liver, gallbladder, esophagus, stomach and intestines take in nutrients and eliminate waste.

Self-Acupressure for Gut Healing

by Leilani Navar, MSOM

Thursday, September 15th 12:00 

Acupressure self-massage (just like acupuncture) works directly with your body's ability to regulate and repair. It can be used alone, or as a complement to diet changes, nutritional supplements, herbal medicines, and other approaches.

In this workshop, you'll learn:

  • my top 5 self-massage acupressure points to support your gut healing process

  • exactly how to find and treat those points on yourself

  • and the mental and emotional aspects of gut healing - according to Chinese Medicine wisdom in the spirit of lovingkindness toward ourselves and our healing.

The self-acupressure routine you learn is a tool to support you if you're dealing with

  • digestive problems

  • issues with bowel function

  • other health concerns that could be gut-related (like asthma, eczema, or autoimmune disease)

  • or you're on a gut healing journey for any reason.

All backed up:

how to address constipation with therapeutic foods and practices

Wednesday, September 21st at 1:30PM

We are going beyond laxatives to talk about herbs, foods and practices that can help you stay regular.


there is more to fiber than poop!

Friday, September 30th at 9:00AM
Did you know that fiber is important for hormone regulation and healthy cholesterol levels? We will discuss soluble and insoluble fiber and what they do for your health. 



Introduction to Bullet Journaling:

Creating a Health Tracker and Calendar

Friday August 5th at 12:30
Bullet journaling is a creative and mindful way to organize your time, track goals, and so much more. Join Andrea Masullo in learning more about the world of bullet journaling and get started in creating your very own calendar and health tracker.

If you’d like to create alongside Andrea, please be prepared with the following items:

Pencil, Eraser, Ruler, Pens, Markers, Dot or graph paper (https://museprintables.com/download/paper/1-4-inch-dot-grid-paper-legal/)

First Aid and Prevention for Bug Bites & Poison Ivy

Friday, August 12th at 8:00 AM
We will talk about using things that you probably already have in your kitchen for treatment and prevention of bug bites and rashes.

Memory and Cognitive Support 

Tuesday August 23rd at 8:00AM
There are a lot of non-scientific “articles” about memory supplements that make you think you need to spend $100 per month on a supplement to support brain health.  In this class, we will talk about evidence-based strategies to support memory and brain health through foods, herbs and habits.


Wednesday, August 31st at 1:00 PM
Learn about foods, nutrients and teas that support a calm state of mind and body.



Creaky Joints Class

Thursday, July 7, 2022, 8:00

Medications for osteoarthritis have a long list of side effects while natural medicine interventions have an equally long list of side benefits. Come to this class to learn what you can do to reduce your pain and stiffness from arthritis.


Workshop- Dietary Interventions to Support Your Microbiome - Part 1

Tuesday, July 12, 2022, 3:00

2 sessions July 12th and 19th at 3:00PM

We hear a lot about probiotics and the importance of gut bacteria. In this workshop, we will discuss what foods support our microbiome including prebiotics, anti-fungal foods and probiotic foods.


Premenstrual Syndrome

Thursday, July 14, 12:00

If you experience mood changes, breast pain, digestive symptoms or headaches before your period, there are foods, herbs and nutrients that can help.


Workshop- Dietary Interventions to Support Your Microbiome - Part 2

Tuesday, July 19, 2022, 3:00

2 sessions July 12th and 19th at 3:00PM

We hear a lot about probiotics and the importance of gut bacteria. In this workshop, we will discuss what foods support our microbiome including prebiotics, anti-fungal foods and probiotic foods.


How to attend our workshops.

We operate on a membership model, however, if you are interested in a single workshop you can sign up for $62 and get access for four weeks to all upcoming live workshops and the entire library of previously recorded workshops and classes. Cancel your subscription anytime within with first four weeks to avoid being charged for the second month.

For full workshop details and links to attend the workshops, login to your member area.