Dr. Gwenn Rosenberg

Fee For Service

Info for non-member visits


Non-member Visit Information

If you prefer to pay for visits and get reimbursed by insurance you will pay at the time of service then we will provide you with the receipt and the paperwork to send to your insurance company.  

The fees are as follows

$115 for 15 minute visit

$160 for 30 minute visit 

$220 for 60 minute visit

You can pay with cash, check or credit card. Generally insurance companies take around 3 weeks to send reimbursement.  You can check with your insurance company to determine your out-of-network coverage.

Insurance/Fee for Service FAQs

  • I will not be in network with insurances so non-members will pay me at the time of service and I will give them a superbill and receipt to submit to insurance for reimbursement. Some insurance policies have a separate deductible for out of network services.

  • The membership option gives us the flexibility to provide financial support but the office visit fee does not have this flexibility. Please contact membership@drgwennrosenberg.com and Matt will call you about financial support.

  • If you are paying for visits and want to have access to workshops and seminars, you can pay a monthly fee of $62 to have access to all workshops and seminars. This membership will be available to anyone who has established care with me, even if they choose to see another doctor for regular visits moving forward. As of right now, I am not offering membership to people who are not current patients. If someone you know is interested in becoming a workshop and seminar only member but is not a current patient they can email membership@drgwennrosenberg.com and we will contact them once we get a sense of whether we will have room for more people.

  • It is a deep value of mine that I provide access to natural medicine for all people, regardless of their financial circumstances.

    Also, Husky never pulls the shenanigans like the for-profit health insurances do. They are very easy to work with and they are not profit-driven so they do not benefit from playing the games that for-profit health insurance does like denying claims to delay payment or requiring my billers to call and be on hold for three hours.